Lincoln has learned a new word, rather quickly this time. "Bikeride." Not "bike ride," but real close together where it sounds more like some kind of foreign dessert than the individual words. Two days ago he went for his first "ride," where he runs alongside me on my bike. Once we switched to his long leash rather than the short one he uses for car rides (it buckles in, it's fantastic), he was thrilled with it. Ran like the wind about half of a mile down, then came back, only veering slightly for a beagle that only appears if there's another dog on the road.
I asked him today if he wanted to go for a "bikeride" and he went crazy, running back and forth from me to the door until I was ready, then led me to the shed for the bike, and straight on to the gate. He even was eager for the harness. Then we were off.
And not even halfway down the driveway I was off, of my bike in this case.
Apparently in his excitement, Link completely forgot about how he had learned fairly quickly "stay to the right of the bike and go straight" and decided to weave like crazy back and forth, making me have to veer, hit the breaks, and hit the driveway.
Thankfully, I have a dirt driveway, and this was not in the rocky portion, it wasn't even the muddy one, surprisingly.
After we were back on our way, he continued to forget how to stay to the side, and wore himself out. We went the same distance we had last time (after which he was tired, but still capable of running). On the way back, however, he was too tired to run at all quickly, which gave him time to decide to try to veer off suddenly to inspect the mailboxes. By the time we made it back to the driveway I was about ready to pick him up and haul him back, but he finally made it back inside and immediately splashed his water dish across my freshly mopped kitchen floor. I suppose some of it made it down his throat, but I'm not sure.
I'm dreading tomorrow's "bikeride." Definitely not taking him to Sparky's place, way too much asphalt and way too little soft grass there.