There once was an emperor. He summoned the two best painters in his entire realm. He asked them to create a painting depicting peace. One artist painted a gorgeous landscape, with all manner of creatures and men living in harmony. Everywhere in the painting were images of creatures living side by side, with no strife to be seen. The second artist painted a picture of a raging waterfall. Torrents of water splashed across the canvas, storms gathered in the distance. Leaves fell, branches cracked, and mist flew everywhere. The emperor demanded to know what the meaning of this painting was. The artist pointed to a small section of the waterfall, where an outcropping of rock created a small shelter from the water. In this shelter was a small nest, with a mother bird and three chicks. The artist explained that peace is shelter from the chaos all around us.
That is a very apt description of what peace is. The calm in the chaos, even if it is the eye of the storm. The last number of days have been rather chaotic for me. Things have been set in motion for which I nor my family were prepared, and we are doing our best to fix things. But this weekend, I found calm in this storm. I had one of the best weekends that I can remember having.
I might not be the best portrayal of calm. The press of chaos is wearing on me. With help from those close to me, I have some shelter from it though. I just wanted to say thank you for that. Even those who I haven't spoken to about it yet, I know you're there for me.
Sparky, thank you for our weekend. It helped more than I can say.
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