This is fairly accurate as a picture of my mind right now. Oddly grainy, very blurry. Kind of swooshy. Swoosh-esque, if you will. Not a horrible image, but without much sense of order or... well... sense. Kind of a net grey. Kind of a scrambled brains type of image. That's what it feels like at least.
Why am I so swooshy you ask?
Well, maybe you don't, but I really don't care. I'm going to ramble on anyway, because this is my blog and my boyfriend says I'm cute, so I say that I can get away with rambling on this.
Let's start with the dentist. I rather like her, and she seems to be fond enough of me, despite my "small mouth" which is "very wet." Now, I think she liked me well enough to start with, without the both positive and negative aspect of the state of my teeth (positive by money, negative by being annoyed with bad habits of mine in the past). Three root canals.
Yes, ouch is right.
I've had the nerves in the teeth all killed now, and two of them are fitted with a temporary crown now, awaiting the permanent crown, the other one is awaiting the temp. Now, the root canals are bad enough, and I had to be (literally) sedated for most of the work, but that's not it. The nerves are dead, but there was a LOT of work for them to do to get ready for the temp crown and the final on the two that are ready for it. Luckily for me I fell asleep during that. But I'm straying farther than I wanted to on this.
Point is, I've been on antibiotics for a few weeks now (first one, now the other which prevents me from drinking any alcohol). Plus whatever else it is that they've given me to take, I know one of them's a muscle relaxant, the other's a wash of some batch of chemicals.
Then there was the rat. Read the last blog for more details on that.
Now there's another rat, this time in my ductwork, mostly that leading into my bedroom. Lovely scratching sounds in the middle of the night. I have to figure out the best line of attack, traps or poison. It's war, now. Don't **** with my sleep.
That was last night, that it really got to me though. Today, I worked for my cousin's café as a stand in dishwasher for eight hours, which is always exhausting work. Then, glutton for punishment that I am, I just spent about 3 hours or so working on a logo for a project (pro bono). Didn't hardly touch any of the rest of the stuff I need to work on for it, just fiddling with that logo trying to make it just about perfect. There's roughly 50 shapes in it alone, in two colors. Abstract. Rather like how it came out though.
Oh, and I haven't gotten a very restful night's sleep in a long while. Did fall asleep during the last big dental encounter though, which was rather pleasant.
Tomorrow I can't sleep in either. Have to call someone about a potential permanent job (I really hope I get it, think I have a good chance), so want to get up early and call. Partly to make a good impression, partly to beat anyone else to the punch.
Oddly that came through working for the café today. She was a customer, and the cashier was kind enough to mention me and get the number. The job involves a forklift! I miss my forklift!
I'm getting very swooshy, maybe enough where I won't have trouble sleeping... okay, not really, but I can hope I don't.
I'm going to bed.
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