30 June 2010

The Shoe Drops
28 June 2010
When you are flying around and around the world

And you use it only for me
Nobody knows it but you've got a secret smile
And you use it only for me
So save me I'm waiting
I'm needing, hear me pleading
And soothe me, improve me
I'm grieving, I'm barely believing now, now
When you are flying around and around the world
And I'm lying alonely
I know there's something sacred and free reserved
And received by me only "
20 June 2010
"Over the Moon"
The Colony Theory

Ever since I came of bar-hopping age, I have had issues with it. I don't like the crowd, the noise, the smoke, the excess of drinking and drama (talking about gay bars, if you didn't already know this). But every gay guy I would come across went out, and liked it, some more, some less of course. So I began to theorize that there must be some segment of the gay population which does not participate in this particular social ritual. The theory stated that there are portions of straight society which do not go to bars, even among the younger group. However, having about 90% of the population to divvy up makes it easier to find the smaller group, it's still freaking huge. The gays simply have fewer people, so they're gone.
18 June 2010
2:50 on a Friday Morning

I am supposed to join the world of the waking in less than four hours now, and I have yet to sleep a wink. I am tired, but I am wired now. And oddly confused about what's laying on my bed right now. (I'll leave you to ponder that for now)
17 June 2010
In the Wake of Chaos
In the past few days, I have been in a creative rush. I have completed 8 mixed-media drawings, each 18x24 inches. The image to the right is (was) a work in progress. Much different now. This was the first one I completed, which led to another, and then a third in a series. These have merged into a set of seven (I redid this one in order to preserve the original as a gift), with an interconnecting narrative. Each of those seven drawings, as well as about 4 other images, have been digitally edited to add text, and arranged in a sequence. And having done all that digital work, as well as two of the drawings today, I am tired, I am sore... and I FINALLY don't have the driving urge to make more. What is the moral of the story, you ask? Thank God for coffee. That is it. I'm drinking a cup right now, and I have never felt so glad for a beverage, nor so relieved to be able to focus again after cursing and cussing the computer for not agreeing with me. It seems I could have simply used a different program and saved the bulk of those two hours. I find out promptly after finishing all of the work. Sigh... Thank God for coffee.
16 June 2010

I dream a lot. It's rarely a good thing, but rather almost always it's weird, and often enough unpleasant. I never wake up happy from a dream. Which is why this is one hell of a kicker. I just woke up from a dream that made me happy, and feel calm, important to someone, and hopeful for the future. Then I realized, oh yeah, he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore because he thinks I'm a whore. You see, I'm new to where I live. I had one friend here, and I really suck at making friends. So I went online to a site I hated, but had not tried in quite some time. It's usually a place for hooking up. I did everything in my power to show that that is not why I was there. Including "NO SEX" marked everywhere. I gave up on facebook and myspace, so that really narrows down the options. I can't go to class and make friends, I graduated. I haven't started working yet. So I thought I'll go, be very cautious, and hope there's someone decent to talk to. And there was. So what happens when I share this happy news? I run out of friends here. Someone I really care about too. Wish I could say cared, but apparently it doesn't apply, based on my dreams. Oh well... I did everything I could to fix things, but I'm not going to go through hell again for him. I (hopefully) will start figuring out better how to make friends and maybe then I won't feel quite so alone here. Thank God for family...
14 June 2010

12 June 2010

Superfluous is an interesting word. This is Merriam-Webster's online definition.
1 a : exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : extra b : not needed : unnecessary 2 obsolete : marked by wastefulness : extravagant
— su·per·flu·ous·ly adverb
— su·per·flu·ous·ness noun
Fluous, by contrast is not a word. I wonder what this says about us. We have a special word made to say "you're not needed" "you're too much" or, basically "go away, we don't want you here." At the same time, we have no word to counteract it, no "you're perfect for what we need" or "you're vital to this" or even a simple "we like you, stick around." That's a rather negative way of going about things. We have overexposed and underexposed, we have inside and outside, hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic. All of these words that cover both sides, and usually a third word for right in the middle. That's one of the reasons we have so many words in the English language. But for this, we say "eh... why bother?" Maybe it's just me and maybe I'm just in a mood, but that doesn't seem right. It also doesn't seem right that I was trying to be half-way humorous and I think I've completely missed my mark but will still post this because I'm stubborn. Ah, well... maybe my blog and I are just superfluous.
By the way, that picture was just to be superfluous.
11 June 2010
Pit Firing and Pottery Sales
10 June 2010
Time for Time

Drama Coasters.

When you're a kid, at least a normal one, you love roller coasters. The dips and climbs and crashes and turns are all so exciting, so invigorating. Even as we get older we still like them, until we reach an age where it's just too much. Perhaps emotions work on a similar concept. When you're young, the ups and downs and ins and outs of emotional relationships, be it friendships or romantic (or any other kind you can think of), none of it bothers you. You can go have fun with friends, then have it all come crashing down due to drama or what have you, then you're right back up there, and don't mind repeating the pattern. While there is something to be said for resiliency, once you get to a certain point enough is enough. So the theory is that perhaps, like riding roller coasters simply gets to be too much after a certain point in your life, maybe emotional roller coasters are the same way. That might be why people force themselves to level out, and not take part in the day-to-day drama that marks the lives of so many people. I know that's why I don't like to be around certain people, because I can't take it. Of course, I was never very big on roller coasters either. Maybe that's all that maturity is, realizing that you don't like the ride anymore, and forcing yourself to stop taking part in it. I've never understood people who love the drama of who said what to whom (grammar?), and who slept with Person X, cheating on Person Y, and put themselves through so much. It could be an emotional equivalent of an adrenaline rush, but it simply seems to me that they haven't aged to the point where they like balance. I remember my parents always having a nice, level life without all the extreme ups and downs. I rather liked it. Well, I could be wrong about all of this. Maybe some people are roller coaster people, and some are lazy river people. I was always partial towards the ferris wheel, myself... maybe that's why I'm drawn towards long relationships and repelled by drama... Just liked the slow cycle of getting better and having a view, despite the occasional dip, but you always climb back out... But then they start unloading it and it's just jerky and you're ready to get out of there. Ah, well... Who knows, I wasn't a psych major. Just more food for thought.
The 3rd is on 3's

A Musing on Fate

I've never been quite sure how I feel about Fate. On the one hand, I don't like the idea that we can't control our own destiny. On the other, things just... work out somehow. A few years ago, maybe more than a few, I came to a conclusion. Fate is simply God's/the creator's/whatever name you choose for a higher power's way of showing off. The key part of omniscience is knowing EVERYTHING. That includes how you will choose something in condition set "x." So, by simple arrangement of events outside the control of free will, it would be possible to make a tapestry with the desired effects and interactions. That, however, seems a bit morbid in the case of bad situations. A bit to "eh, take one for the team" for my tastes in a belief structure. That leads back to simple free will, with no pre-arrangement. So, then, do things such as instinct or gut feelings or hunches come into play instead? Could this be a nudge of "fate" to say "hey, this way's a good bet!" or "do this, and something good will come out of it, sooner or later." Maybe. I don't know. I'm still fighting it out with the whole fate concept. Besides, who am I to dictate anything? These are just my ramblings. Maybe it will inspire some thought in someone who needs a nudge in that direction. Maybe I'm an agent of fate by typing this. Or maybe I'm getting a bit full of myself to even jokingly say that. And maybe, just maybe, I like using the word maybe a bit too much. What I can say (without using maybe) is this. When you make a plan and do your best to keep to it, for your own self preservation and your own long term good... when you try to do things how they should be done... When you have a PLAN and you try to stick to it, and then events come out of the blue and shoot that plan to hell and everything ends up much better than it was before, there is only one word for that. Fate.
The FIrst Post is Always the Hardest
Well then, this is my new blog. I don't really know what to do with a blog,
or why the hell I'm even on this website doing this. But it amuses me at the moment, so I suppose it's all good. I see that with this button I can add a photo. There we go, that's nice and all. There I am... less creepy and what not than in the main photo I chose for this thing. Whatever. On to business, which I suppose is the business of this being a new blog. This is a blog, and it's new. Business completed. You're probably thinking by now that I am schizophrenic, which is how the computer tells me the word is spelled... no "t" go figure... Rest assured, I am. But the voices are kindly, or at least not harmful. All they tell me are things like "Why'd I sign up for this" and "I have to take a piss." If you haven't heard of him, I highly recommend Stephen Lynch, he's a fantastic comedian and has a wonderful voice, but is very very crude. So no kids under... I don't know... 14, maybe. Alas, I have now managed to waste over an hour on getting this stupid thing set up and this first blog finished. I really need to start work!