I've never been quite sure how I feel about Fate. On the one hand, I don't like the idea that we can't control our own destiny. On the other, things just... work out somehow. A few years ago, maybe more than a few, I came to a conclusion. Fate is simply God's/the creator's/whatever name you choose for a higher power's way of showing off. The key part of omniscience is knowing EVERYTHING. That includes how you will choose something in condition set "x." So, by simple arrangement of events outside the control of free will, it would be possible to make a tapestry with the desired effects and interactions. That, however, seems a bit morbid in the case of bad situations. A bit to "eh, take one for the team" for my tastes in a belief structure. That leads back to simple free will, with no pre-arrangement. So, then, do things such as instinct or gut feelings or hunches come into play instead? Could this be a nudge of "fate" to say "hey, this way's a good bet!" or "do this, and something good will come out of it, sooner or later." Maybe. I don't know. I'm still fighting it out with the whole fate concept. Besides, who am I to dictate anything? These are just my ramblings. Maybe it will inspire some thought in someone who needs a nudge in that direction. Maybe I'm an agent of fate by typing this. Or maybe I'm getting a bit full of myself to even jokingly say that. And maybe, just maybe, I like using the word maybe a bit too much. What I can say (without using maybe) is this. When you make a plan and do your best to keep to it, for your own self preservation and your own long term good... when you try to do things how they should be done... When you have a PLAN and you try to stick to it, and then events come out of the blue and shoot that plan to hell and everything ends up much better than it was before, there is only one word for that. Fate.
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