14 June 2010


How is it that human minds are capable of taking something completely auditory, such as music, and equating it with something completely different, such as a photograph? While there are such things in common as rhythm and visual rhythm, and vague imagery such as repeated lines looking like a music sheet, but that is where it ends. But somehow I find this photo (one of mine, like all of the others I've posted) to remind me of music. The colors and imagery all point to something like a bar scene for me, including the guy towards the left facing away from the camera, and seemingly ignoring the lights in front of him. Fittingly, this was taken at a (small) Mardi Gras parade, and if I remember right that guy was on his second drink. I'd had one or two as well, but this is my normal style of photography, not a result of the drinking. However, I digress. Perhaps humans are simply wired to connect things together, and in the absence of something concrete we abstract other known things and draw new lines between them. Or maybe our minds take in all of the data of something such as much, and then ignore the sense it drawn from, leaving it able to connect with other sensory input. Or maybe I'm just full of it and B.S.ing myself as well as you. I'm not honestly sure on this one. All I am sure of on this photo is that it's an oddly bittersweet memory, which I remember in ways very similar to this photo. It's something of a blur... and that one is, partly, due to the drinking.

Side note, Alisha, if you remember what that drink was, let me know. I remember chocolate or something, but that's about it.


  1. It was Mudslide mixed with coffee! Glad you didn't use one of the pics with me in it!
