Before I begin, let me preface this with the disclaimer that this theory is complete and utter bull. I don't believe it, nor is there any actual evidence to support it. It's simply something I thought up years ago and like to play with from time to time.
31 July 2010
The Color Theory
Before I begin, let me preface this with the disclaimer that this theory is complete and utter bull. I don't believe it, nor is there any actual evidence to support it. It's simply something I thought up years ago and like to play with from time to time.
I did a post a while back about fear. In it, I concluded that fear is an overabundance of doubt. By this logic, a lack of doubt would be considered confidence. But a thought struck me. Jealousy and possessiveness are very similar to fear, but a cross with greed (for attention or control, I would imagine). Then I began wondering about what if you trust someone, but not the other people. Which leaves an implied doubt about their ability to take care of the situation. If you trust that they do, then you shouldn't worry about it and it shouldn't phase you.
29 July 2010
As I sat here trying to figure out how to start this blog, I got a text message from Sparky. Oddly enough, each of us have been bitten today. Him by his dog (he's ok, no worries) due to a hurt paw he didn't know about. Me, I was just standing out in the yard contemplating my pit and how to provide ventilation to it when something got my foot. I don't know what, but it had to be an insect or spider. Definitely not the spider shown here, but it seemed an appropriate picture. Which I just noticed only shows six legs... that's odd. Guess the other two are tucked underneath. Anyway, it's also ironic that my bite was somewhat more serious than Sparky's, despite his being by a much larger creature. It seems that I'm allergic to whatever got me (which makes the lack of an ID more frustrating) and I had to take medicine for it. That entire leg is still stiff and sore from it.
Sweeping the Dirt Out From Under the Rug
It's amazing how much crap can get swept under the rug sometimes. Then someone lifts it up and is horrified by how much dirt there really is and can even start to choke on it. Even the one whose dirt it is can be horrified to realize how much has accumulated over the years.
27 July 2010
Phases of my Life
Prior to this point in my life, there have been two main phases of my life, chapters if you will. Perhaps "Books" would be more appropriate, recalling to older books such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in which main sections of a novel were separated into "books," although still bound in one cover with one title.
26 July 2010
Sweet Relief
23 July 2010
MMM News Update
21 July 2010
Emotional Overloads
We humans are complicated creatures, with such overlapping and intermingling emotions that sometimes I'm astounded that we're at all able to accomplish anything as a society. Even two emotions at once are complicated, but adding more just makes things a jumble that is hard to quell.
It's a Dog's Life
I envy my dog some days. After my last post, I went to the bed and cuddled him as I said I would. He rolled over, got belly rubs, then licked me and went back to sleep. Then he got tucked under the covers (accident, honestly) and laid there giving more kisses, then crawled under the sheets and was as happy as could be just sprawled out under there. This morning, he got to go outside, check the fence for his friend the deer, and go chase off whatever squirrels he could find. While I'm sifting through job openings, 75% of which are for medical people, and 20% for "2-5 years experience required, he was on the back of the couch looking out the window. Then he gets to cuddle while I drink coffee and watch a tv show to finish waking up. Then he gets to charge back outside, happy as can be, to sniff around while I, the human, get to pull up big weeds/small trees, whichever term you choose to apply to the damn things, all of which are connected by the roots. Even now, as I take a break from the heat, he is crashed out on my bed, legs out and completely unaware. His food is given to him to eat whenever he wants, there's always plenty of water, and the biggest annoyances he has are being picked for fleas, and the deer always being on the other side of the fence where he can't go see them up close.
Lonesome Nights
Most evenings when I'm here by myself, I feel somewhat lonely. It usually doesn't get to me too badly, and it's nothing I can't push out of my head. I am not ready to live with someone again yet, and I rather like having the place to myself for the most part. Things are how I want them, and where I want them. Nobody minds if I don't get dressed for half the day when I'm not busy, or if I stay up till four in the morning, or if I practice the guitar which I just did for the first time since before my pets were born (so starting from nil, basically).
20 July 2010
I have watched two movies in the last few days which have a gay couple as supporting cast for the main actor. Both movies had one of the pair -- the younger "hot" one-- as a bisexual slut, and the other an older, overly sensitive, effeminate one. This irritates me. While I don't mind (usually) seeing gays as background cast or what have you, there are a few things that I find uncalled for with almost all of these. First and foremost, most gay men are not bisexual. Most gay guys are just that. Gay. Not into women, and not going to be seduced by some bimbo girl who comes along with a failing relationship with someone else and takes her bra off in front of them. Believe me, far more would run away from that than go "ooh, boobies" and go for it. Secondly, not every relationship is younger-older. I'm not much of one to talk with my personal history, but not all relationships are like that. Nor was I a slut, and I have never been with a woman. Could have done it, but I couldn't do it. And next, the relationships are not (or not always) founded on sex. There are those that care about each other far beyond that. Or that don't hop into bed the first night that they go on a date or what have you. Even if they do end up in bed, they might just kiss and what not. I've been there, and we both restrained ourselves and nothing more serious happened. So yes, I know for a fact that that does happen.
19 July 2010
The Junk Food Diet
Since I left college, I have been making an effort (caving in from time to time of course) to eat healthier food, drink less soda, and so on and so forth. For the most part, I've been enjoying it and seem to be benefiting from it. But waking up this morning (okay, at almost noon since I couldn't sleep till after 4 this morning), I felt horrible. I was congested and weak. Nothing overwhelming in and of itself, but it combined enough to leave me useless. The allergy pill did nothing. Resting did nothing. I pulled some stuff out to organize, and those boxes are still sitting there, which is what I did for half an hour.
Moments in Time
Every so often in a life, not rare but not often, I have a moment that things come into focus with a bit more clarity than usual. These moments condense events and emotions and ideas into a single clear picture. More than a picture, a complete, concise hologram. Where everything is full in the round and whole. I have come to, usually, treasure these moments. Some moments are not so pleasant. Fortunately for me, tonight was one of those good ones.
18 July 2010
The Past
The past is... interesting. On the one hand, some things that people do they may come to be ashamed of for a wide variety of reasons. On the other hand, that is what led them to where they are now, and if not for that they wouldn't be where they are or with who they are. This can be good or bad. On the third hand, on this odd metaphorical three handed creature, there may have been events in play of which they were not aware at the time which shaped events. While the ultimate responsibility does not change, these occasional events should be taken into account.
17 July 2010
15 July 2010
The Dull Boy Rambles On
I was just on the phone with someone I am perfectly comfortable with. It was one of those kind of easy, lazy conversations about nothing important where it's just nice to just chat for a while. Then all of a sudden she gets off the phone, rather than the normal "I'll let go" then more talking and so on and so forth. Nothing was going on, and I know her well enough to know if there was.
14 July 2010
Random Portrait Concept
I randomly decided to take a photo of myself just now. Not my normal style which leaves it difficult to tell that it's me, but a relatively normal one, done with the webcam on this computer. Touched up in photoshop a bit, and cropped, but nothing drastic.
13 July 2010
Applying for Jobs
I am applying to a position at the moment, and one of their more unusual requirements was this: Customer service is very important at (Company Name). Please write two paragraphs on what you believe is excellent customer service. You may include examples of where you provided or received excellent service. I've never had to fill out such a thing before, but I think my reply was rather good, and somewhat amusing. So I thought I'd share it while I relax my brain a bit from the strain of answering the same questions 50 times.
12 July 2010
1 archaic : frighten
2 archaic : to feel fear in (oneself)
3 : to have a reverential awe of
4 : to be afraid of : expect with alarm
A Sparky Question
From Little Invading B*st*rds to Bright Lights
Today has been... interesting. One of those few days where it's actually enough that I'll describe it rather than go off on some random tangent. At least I'm not intending to, but we'll see what happens. By the way, the picture has nothing to do with anything, I just liked it and always have a photo. Would hate to disappoint.
10 July 2010
Beyond the Animal
Would you like Karma-l syrup on that?
08 July 2010
John Cleese and the Hairy Cat
While sitting on the couch earlier watching a rather fascinating documentary that has left my mental voice with a British accent for the time being (I blame John Cleese for this), something completely unrelated dawned on me thanks to my cat. I understand that that's a rather odd statement from most people, although anyone who knows me (or has read this blog fairly regularly) shouldn't' be surprised by this, so let me back up.
06 July 2010
Insomnia Wars
I am currently trying to fight excessive insomnia. It would seem that for whatever reason, no matter what I've tried, I remain unable to get to sleep at a reasonable time, and lately I've been unable to wake up properly. So I'm going to take a sleep aid (which I hate doing, but oh well) and go to bed early, and hope that ten hours or so of sleep will get me back on track. It might, it might not, who knows. But I would like to actually wake up and get things done for once. Especially yard work, as it's too hot to start by the time I've been waking up.