I have watched two movies in the last few days which have a gay couple as supporting cast for the main actor. Both movies had one of the pair -- the younger "hot" one-- as a bisexual slut, and the other an older, overly sensitive, effeminate one. This irritates me. While I don't mind (usually) seeing gays as background cast or what have you, there are a few things that I find uncalled for with almost all of these. First and foremost, most gay men are not bisexual. Most gay guys are just that. Gay. Not into women, and not going to be seduced by some bimbo girl who comes along with a failing relationship with someone else and takes her bra off in front of them. Believe me, far more would run away from that than go "ooh, boobies" and go for it. Secondly, not every relationship is younger-older. I'm not much of one to talk with my personal history, but not all relationships are like that. Nor was I a slut, and I have never been with a woman. Could have done it, but I couldn't do it. And next, the relationships are not (or not always) founded on sex. There are those that care about each other far beyond that. Or that don't hop into bed the first night that they go on a date or what have you. Even if they do end up in bed, they might just kiss and what not. I've been there, and we both restrained ourselves and nothing more serious happened. So yes, I know for a fact that that does happen.
What frustrates me most, though, is there is a reason that so many of these stereotypes exist. I have known one couple that fits it perfectly. The young one will sleep with anything that moves for any reason, but usually to piss off his boyfriend or to get drugs of various kinds, lives off of the other one, and is a useless prissy prick. The older one, by about 15 years give or take, is so afraid of being alone because he's over 40 (and won't admit it, despite looking older than he is), also cheats but not nearly as badly, looks the other way on almost everything, and will put up with anything because he's "old." Plus he's a wishy washy, passive aggressive (they both are), know-it all, sensitive douche. Put them together and they're a walking stereotype. Plus there are many who give in to the pressure on fashion, mannerisms, romantic tendencies, and so on and so forth. I just don't understand why.
I act the way that comes natural to me. I don't know where these other gays get the energy to act how they do. I would love to have access to that, so I could get some more work done around here, and not just waste it flipping out because George's dog at Bill's ring while Bill was cheating on Mark with George. I just don't care about any of those three, and the dog I just want to know if it is healthy or if it choked to death on the ring. Beyond that I'd rather get outside and finish digging a pit that needs to be a good two feet deeper. I have little fashion sense, and what I do have comes from applying the elements and principles of design to clothing. My mannerisms are just what comes naturally to me. They don't come across as gay. I don't hide that I am by any means, nor do I lie about it. But I don't think it's anyone else's business, and I don't find a need to broadcast that to the world. Gay is a background factoid about me. Like I'm a white mutt, I'm twenty some odd years old, I'm gay, and I have a buzz cut. What does it really matter? I'd rather talk about being an artist than being gay. Yes, I've chosen Sparky to be with, but I didn't chose to be with guys. Art I picked. That says more about me than that I like boys. The specific choice, well... that does say something, but that's also more personal.
But all this ties in closely to the post "The Colony Theory" from June on here. The café gay and bar gay theory. So feel free to glance back at that if you want to think about more about this stuff. I think I've spent ample energy on this and should get back to being productive. Oh, and if you're not Alisha don't worry about that "elements and principles of design" font change, it won't mean anything to you.
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