As I sat here trying to figure out how to start this blog, I got a text message from Sparky. Oddly enough, each of us have been bitten today. Him by his dog (he's ok, no worries) due to a hurt paw he didn't know about. Me, I was just standing out in the yard contemplating my pit and how to provide ventilation to it when something got my foot. I don't know what, but it had to be an insect or spider. Definitely not the spider shown here, but it seemed an appropriate picture. Which I just noticed only shows six legs... that's odd. Guess the other two are tucked underneath. Anyway, it's also ironic that my bite was somewhat more serious than Sparky's, despite his being by a much larger creature. It seems that I'm allergic to whatever got me (which makes the lack of an ID more frustrating) and I had to take medicine for it. That entire leg is still stiff and sore from it.
It's odd how things like that can happen. I've never had a bite quite like this, usually bug bites aren't memorable for me. Usually Sparky doesn't get bitten by his dog. But for both of us on the same day, it happens. Also, usually he isn't about to head out of town for a long weekend in a last minute kind of thing. And usually I don't have my living room stuck in transition between old carpet and new. And usually I haven't just worked with my cousin to free a gecko from a sticky roach trap (and succeeded!) only to have him suddenly die within an hour or two of being freed. We don't know if it was the oil we used to keep him from sticking back, my knife work of digging under the glue to get him loose, or the dish soap dabbed on to get the glue off once he was free, but he's dead now. At least he didn't starve in the garbage can.
Who knows, maybe it's just an odd week for me and my circle here. It really seems like there should be something to tie all of this together. Or a lesson to be learned from it. But sometimes, there just isn't. Sometimes, there are just a series of odd happenings with nothing to be gained from it, apart from the desire to stop wearing sandals outside and a regret about a small reptile's untimely demise.
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