Humans have an obsession with trying to riddle out the meaning of life. Being human, I have my share of curiosity. I do not claim to have the answer. I do not know that there is any single answer. I simply wish to philosophize and ramble, and you are my audience. Lucky you.
Possessions and material objects, while indeed sought after and desired as is understandable, are unlikely to be the ultimate meaning of life. It seems a bit too crass and temporary. Besides, like the old saying goes, money can't buy happiness. Individual objects though can hold much meaning for us, mostly as symbols. I have a ring I treasure, not because of it's form or materials, but because of it's origin. Likewise, I am usually to be found wearing a necklace with a shard of pottery, which was from my first attempted firing here. In both cases, it's more of a symbol, which is why it means something to me. Many people are the same way with gifts, especially from their special someone. So, by that token, could it be those connections that are the meaning? Stories and history and caring? It's possible.
What about art? It's meaningful (usually), it has a story, and it's a personally crafted object that is (usually) one of a kind. In this way it is more than simply a commercial object. It is often enough a symbol itself. Despite loving art and being an artist, I would be lying if I felt this could be the meaning of life. Important, yes. Offering insight into people, yes. A tool, yes, but the end meaning? No.
So, leaving behind the physical, let us go to the less tangible side of things. Knowledge is great and useful, and I love increasing it, but knowledge is, fittingly, neither good nor bad. It simply is. Wisdom, however, is a different story. It could, in theory, be possible to become so wise as to apply the wisdom beyond this life into whatever lies beyond. This would be acceptable as a meaning of life, in that regard.
Humor and good times? While thoroughly enjoyable and highly desired (especially by such as me), it simply improves the quality of life. However, we grow far more during turbulent times than we do during good times. So is the purpose to grow? This seems to be a good answer. To grow and evolve, and change for the better. This would go hand-in-hand with the wisdom idea.
Then there is love. The ultimate human connection, and possibly the least understood emotion. And one of the most varied emotions. Worthy of well more than it's own separate posting. So suffice to say, let us just lump all of the varied incarnations of love and talk about it in a general way. Or rather, let us jump to the highest point on it's spectrum, and the rarest: Unconditional love. A connection which cannot be broken by mortal means, and ties us closer than anything else in the realm of human existence. Such a connection, especially when you consider that symbols of connection seem to mean far more to us than most things, is something to strongly consider as the meaning of life.
Now, there are many, many things which I have either forgotten, neglected to mention, or have simply not even considered yet. I also hate to leave such a post without at least a half-answer. However, I don't have one. These are simply some musings which may or may not get you to thinking. To appease myself, I will leave this question as a potential answer.
Could the meaning of life be to seek out the meaning of life?

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